Ken Wilson's Report (yes, the big game hunter who almost never fishes):
This beautiful and quaint fishing village ("a drinking town with a fishing problem") is located next to the tourist town Ixtapa and is about 100 miles northwest of Acapulco. With the possible exception of Kona, it is THE fishing capital of the Pacific. Lad Shunneson has been outfitting fishing adventures in Zihuat for 14 years (in addition to his Mazatlan excursions for over 40 years ... saltwater and freshwater fishing and bird shooting). He finally talked me into trying this trip, just completed, and it was a fantastic and fun experience that is best told by photos:

L to R: Lad, Ken, and captain enjoying fresh lobster

Pacific Sailfish
9 billfish are required for the World Slam. Lad books all 9.
Pulling in a Sailfish for tag and release.
By agreement, the day's fishing ends if 2 billfish are brought onboard. Usually only 1 is landed for the meat, but sometimes a second one is injured during the catching process and is also brought onboard.
Pulling in a good one near the shore ... what is it?

It's a beautiful Roosterfish
Needlefish (watch out for those teeth) and a big Jack Crevalle
(both caught while fishing for Roosters)
On the left is the colorful and delicious Dorado (Mahi-Mahi).
On the right is a Bonita (but the more edible white-meat version than the so-called Black Tuna).
The view from the veranda of my room overlooking Zihuatanejo bay.
To discuss hunting Liberia, Uganda, Cameroon, C.A.R., North America,
and South Pacific, contact
Ken Wilson (830-792-4200)
To discuss hunting Europe and North America, and billfishing Mexico, contact
Lad Shunneson (303-258-7777)