In our opinion, most of the 200-300 point Whitetails being hunted today have trash for horns. We would much rather see a 200 point TYPICAL WHITETAIL on the wall than a 300 point TRASH HORN WHITETAIL. The Typicals are just more impressive. GOOD NEWS: We have found a ranch near Kerrville, Texas that is loaded with big Typicals. The deer we photographed (and many more) are still alive and will be bigger next season (November 2019).

MORE GOOD NEWS: We have secured a special all-inclusive price of $8,950 for any buck on the property between 190 and 215 and that includes TROPHY FEE, GUIDE, LODGING, GREAT FOOD, ALL DRINKS (hard and soft), and TROPHY CARE.
Book now with a $4,475 deposit before they get away.
Call Ken Wilson at 830-739-3056.